Public Sewer Customers
Sewer bills are produced once a quarter based on your water meter readings, which are provided to the Township from your water utility company. Bills are always due 30 days from the bill date, and you will be assessed an automatic late fee of 10% for any bill which is paid after your due date. Residents who allow their sewer bill balance to run over 90 days late will be subject to collection.
Please click on the link to see our bill cycle chart and account collection procedures:
Billing Cycle and Account Collection Procedures
If making a payment in person, please note that the Township office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If the office is closed, there is a convenient drop box located at the end of the sidewalk leading to the front door. During inclement weather you may use the box without leaving your car.
You can now pay your sewer bill online at our website using:
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express (convenience fee will apply, see below)
Electronic Check Payments (convenience fee will apply, see below)
Pay Online
To use this convenient service, start at the Township website homepage. In the left top corner you will see a blue block with the words “Pay Sewer Bill”. Click on the block and it will take you to the secure payment site.
Credit Card Payments Made Online
You can now pay your sewer bill payment from the comfort of your home or office by using our online payment service. Credit cards accepted: MasterCard, Discover, American Express or Visa. A per transaction convenience fee of 3% of total bill will be charged by the payment processing company for this service.
Electronic Check Payments
The Township now accepts electronic check payments using our online payment service. Payments will be charged to your checking or savings account at your bank. You will need your 9-digit routing number, as well as your account number from your personal checks (see example below). A per transaction convenience fee of $1.50 will be charged by the payment processing company for this service.
- When Payment Options appears, click on the “Switch to Pay with Check” link and then continue entering your information.
Credit Card Payments Made in Office
The Township now offers the convenience of accepting MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Visa credit cards for payment of your sewer bill. The payment processing company charges a convenience fee of 2.65% or $3.00 minimum to cardholders who use this service. Just stop by our office to use your MasterCard, Discover Card, American Express or Visa. We are unable to accept credit card payments over the phone; this is for your security.
On-Lot Disposal Systems (OLDS)
The Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537 of 1966, as amended) requires local agencies, including municipalities, to provide for adequate sewage treatment. In addition, the municipality is charged with the protection of the public health by preventing the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage. To this end, the Township Board of Supervisors has enacted an Ordinance to implement a sewage management program to effectively prevent and abate water pollution and hazards to the public health caused by improper treatment and disposal of sewage.
The Township has been divided into three On-Lot Sewage Management Program Districts:
- District One covers the east side of the Township, from the eastern border to Green Valley Road.
- District Two encompasses the area between Green Valley Road and North Church Road.
- District Three runs from North Church Road to the western border of the Township.
Every on-lot sewage system in the Township will be required to be inspected and every associated on-lot sewage system tank shall be pumped every three years. Documentation will be provided to the Township on the inspection and pumping activity performed. Appropriate forms for the documentation have been provided to those pumper/haulers which are registered with the Township office:
List of Registered Pumper/Haulers
2023 Registered Septic Pumpers
Note: You can have your system pumped as often as you want. For example, some people have their system pumped every year, but you MUST have it pumped and inspected every three (3) years
2025 will be the year for all Zone 2 properties to get their required pumping and inspection. To remain in compliance your system will need to be pumped and inspected by 12/31/2025. The Township will send out reminder letters.
Zone 1 properties will be required to have their systems pumped and inspected in 2024. The Township will send out reminder letters.
If you are in Zone 3, your cycle ended on December 31, 2023. Those who remain out of compliance will be subject to the full enforcement remedies outlined in the pumping ordinance. The Board of Supervisors thanks all those property owners who complied with these regulations. Zone 3 properties will be required to pump and get inspected again in 2026. The Township will send out reminder letters.
For complete regulations and more information, please see the Policy and Procedures Manual:
Policies and Procedures Manual / Management of ON-LOT Sewage Disposal System
Click here to download the manual