Unlocking the Potential of Western Lower Heidelberg Township
Exciting developments are underway in our Township. We have seized a unique opportunity to kickstart development in the western region by initiating the acquisition of key assets. We’ve entered into an agreement to purchase the renowned Big Springs Farm property, comprising of over 26 acres, featuring a stone main house and a modern ranch house on separate land deeds, expansive land suitable for commercial development, a historic stone home, and most significantly, a spring water source with a flow of 4 million gallons per day.
For the past eighteen months, the Township has been diligently pursuing a public water supply for a property adjacent to Conrad Weiser High School, primed for commercial construction. Unfortunately, discussions with Womelsdorf-Robesonia Water Authority have failed. However, upon learning of the impending sale of the Big Spring property, the Township swiftly explored the potential of leveraging its exceptional spring as a source for a public water system. In addition, the remaining real estate holds significant development value of its own.
Currently, the Board of Supervisors has entered into a conditional Agreement of Sale, granting us the option to purchase the property upon completion of thorough due diligence, environmental assessments, and financial evaluation. Remarkably, the transaction will be executed without the Township incurring additional debt or raising taxes. Anticipated developments along 422 will boost the value of the Big Springs property, leading to a substantial increase in our tax base. The rates for the new Water Authority will be structured to recover investment and operating expenses over time.
This marks a positive and decisive step forward for our Township. We are committed to keeping you informed of the progress. We invite you to attend a presentation and Q&A about this transformative project at the Supervisors Workshop Meeting on Wednesday, March 13th at 7:00 pm in the Township Building.